
Net Replacement Film: Why Use One for Round Bale Ensiler Machines

NetWrap net replacement film is a newer technology designed to replace bale wrap net during the ensiling process. It’s designed to suit the latest generation of combination round baler/silage wrapper machines.

It offers multiple advantages over older types of round bale net wrap. It produces better compressed and more cylindrical bales, making them easier to transport and saving money.

Better Oxygen Barrier

NetWrap net replacement filmUnlike the older style net wrap, which only holds the bale together, net replacement film also adds an oxygen barrier, helping to improve the quality of the silage and aiding in the fermentation process. The extra layer of protection also helps prevent mould and vermin damage.

In addition, the newer technology utilises more layers of solid film than the old netting, which increases the durability and strength of the finished product. This is important for a long-term, high-quality performance from the bales and keeping them in good shape and finish throughout the ensiling process.

Our Silawrap NRF is pre-stretched during the manufacturing process, which gives it superior film properties and means it can be used with the latest fleet of combination baler/wrapper machines like Krone Komprima, Goweil G5040 Kombi, Claas, Vicon and Welger. It is available in 1.28m and 1.38m widths to suit your machinery.

It is a more environmentally friendly option as it uses less ethylene-vinyl alcohol than traditional net wrap, which can be challenging to recycle due to its high cellulose content. The newer technology also allows the bale wrap to be applied directly over the net without removing the netting, making it a more straightforward and quicker process. As a result, it can help reduce labour costs and increase productivity.

Better Performance Under Transportation

Your round bales will get slightly shaken during the baling and ensiling process. That’s why you want a robust and durable wrapping. Using net replacement film instead of the older net wrap style helps you achieve that. The stronger, durable wrapping also means less breakages and repairs during transport – saving you time and money.

This newer technology suits the latest generation of combination round baler machines or combo bale wrappers – such as McHale, Krone, Goweil, Claas and Vicon. It’s a film-on-film application, saving you time by effectively doing two functions (baling and wrapping) simultaneously with one machine/operation.

It’s also more environmentally friendly than the old type of net wrap as the inner baling film and outer silage film are made from the same sort of industry films or plastic materials – making it easier to recycle them at the end of their life. This is especially beneficial in Australia, where we have stringent recycling laws.

By improving the quality of your baled silage material with this new technology, you’ll ultimately get better dairy yields from your herd. This is because you’ll have higher-quality feed to help your cows maintain and increase their milk production throughout lactation.

Better Shape and Finish

Bales wrapped with NetWrap net replacement film are better compressed and more cylindrical, which is much easier to transport than misshapen bales. The film also prevents ‘weak spots’ that can develop with older-style net wrap and lead to damage during transportation, which may cause the bales to break or collapse.

A more secure, durable wrap means fewer repairs to your bales and a higher chance of producing high-quality silage. Additionally, a stronger bale is less likely to be damaged by weather conditions during storage, which is essential to maximise the nutrient content of your silage crop.

Unlike the old style of net wrap, which only held the bale together and did not provide an oxygen barrier, the newer net replacement film (also known as mantle wrap) helps achieve better ensiling by enhancing the oxygen barrier within the bale barrel. This enables a more efficient fermentation process, discourages white mould growth, and improves overall silage quality.

Often made from the same kind of industry films or plastic materials as the outer silage wrap, it is also a more environmentally friendly option than net wrapping. It is easy to peel cleanly away from the bales with no feed stuck in net packaging and can be recycled with bale wrap without segregation, allowing for more efficient waste disposal. This is especially important for those looking to reduce their environmental impact on a broader scale.

Environmentally Friendly

Plastic film for wrapping industrial machinery is much more environmentally friendly than the old netting that used to be commonly used. When it comes time to recycle plastic, it’s much easier to sort than the fine web-like netting material used with old net wrap.

An excellent example is the newer wrap material designed to replace netting on round bales. The Power Film net replacement film, which Unipak manufactures, is used in the latest generation of combi baler/wrapper machines that are being sold here in New Zealand (such as Krone Komprima, Goweil G5040, Kombi, Welger, Vicon and Claas). This two-step process involves both baling and wrapping with one machine.

This method of ensiling provides higher-quality silage in easier-to-handle bales, and it also increases feed protection. This new technology makes hay and silage production more efficient by saving time and labour and providing better value for money with increased production yields.

The specialised Net Replacement Film, also known as Mantle Wrap, is less elastic than the older style of net wrap, so it holds the bale more tightly and helps produce more cylindrically shaped and even bales. This helps to avoid the weak spots that can develop with netting, especially if the main threads are broken or damaged with handling.

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