Dental Care

Dental Crowns Adelaide: How to Get the Best Dental Crowns in Adelaide

A dental crown is a full protective cover that covers a tooth and helps restore its appearance, shape, size or alignment within the mouth. It can also help strengthen the tooth and reduce the risk of fractures or failure.

The best dental crowns in Adelaide are crafted from materials that closely match the look and strength of natural teeth. It ensures the restoration looks excellent and fits seamlessly into your smile. For the best dental crowns Adelaide, click here.


A dental crown (also known as a cap) is a custom-made restoration that covers and encases a damaged tooth, strengthening it to prevent further damage or decay and improving its appearance. This procedure is standard for patients with root canal treatment or severely broken teeth.

There are several types of crowns, depending on your needs and budget. Metal crowns are long-lasting and don’t chip or break as quickly, so they’re recommended for molars or back teeth. Porcelain crowns look more natural but may be prone to fracturing. Zirconia crowns are strong and have an attractive opaquing effect, making them popular for both front and back teeth.

Receiving a crown involves one or two visits to the dentist or prosthodontist. At the first appointment, they’ll prepare the tooth by removing a small layer of its surface and shaping it to fit the crown. They’ll also take precise moulds or digital scans of the tooth to create a custom crown.


Crowns are crafted using tooth-coloured porcelain and blend seamlessly with natural teeth. They strengthen and improve the aesthetics of damaged teeth and provide a healthy, confident smile.

Unlike fillings, which cover a small area of the affected tooth, crowns are full protective covers that encase an entire tooth or teeth. We offer dental crowns fabricated on-site so that you can receive them in just one appointment.

Porcelain crowns are an excellent choice for front teeth but can also be used for the back and molars – where bruxism may cause damage and breakage. There are many different types of dental crowns, including porcelain fused to metal, all-ceramic, zirconia and gold.


Dental crowns, also known as ceramic or tooth fillings, restore the strength and appearance of severely damaged teeth. They help cover implants and prevent other teeth from shifting to fill the space. They are made to match your tooth colour, shape and feel closely.

Meanwhile, highly durable crowns can become chipped or cracked with normal wear and tear. It is important to avoid chewing ice and hard or overly chewy foods to protect your crowns.

The best dental crowns in Adelaide are fabricated from porcelain fused to metal, all-ceramic or zirconia and are designed to enhance the look of your smile. At Burnside Dental Practice, our dentists use CEREC technology to fabricate and fit your crown in just one visit. It means fewer injections and less drilling, saving you time and money. We also provide a provisional cover to protect your tooth until your customised crown is ready. For the best dental crowns Adelaide, click here.


Dental crowns are designed to encase and protect a damaged or decayed tooth, making them essential to dental care. They are handy for teeth that have undergone root canal treatment or those with large fillings. A crown can also help protect teeth with deep cavities and cracks from further damage or deterioration.

A dental crown can be easily maintained by following basic oral hygiene principles. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups will keep your crown looking and functioning at its best. Patients should also wear nightguards to reduce the impact of grinding and clenching their teeth on their crowns, as this can weaken them over time. Keeping your crowns healthy and strong will help you enjoy a bright smile for many years. For the best dental crowns Adelaide, click here.


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